Employee Spotlight Q&A – Giri Madan

An image of an Apex Group Employee, Giri Madan
"I enjoy Uniplural’s working environment which makes my work smoother."

1. What is your role and how long have you been working with Uniplural Group?

I have been working as a cleaner for 7 months already.

2. What do you enjoy most about your role?

I enjoy Uniplural’s working environment which makes my work smoother. I also like that this role allows me to stay busy by having many work opportunities.

3. What strength do you bring to the role?

Responsibility, hard work, and loyalty. I always try to give my best.

4. What are the toughest challenges you’ve faced at work?

I think communication is a bit challenging sometimes, but I always try hard to understand and meet the clients’ expectations.

5. What do you enjoy doing during your personal time?

I’m a tranquil person. When I get home after a long day, I enjoy cooking and playing football.

6. In terms of successes, which accomplishments are you most proud of?

Getting a good job according to my expectations.

7. What are the 3 words that best describe you?

Friendly, responsible, caring.

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